Saturday 1 February 2014

Evaluation 5

1.    How did you attract/address your audience?

I attracted my audience through the use of colour, I asked people that fit into my target audience age range what colours they suggest using for my brand identity and they suggested regal colours which are gold’s and silvers as these connote a much grander appearance, for me it was just a case of what does it connote to me and this made me think of words like grand, medieval and empowerment which more me would suggest a colour that is used as a way of empowerment which gold and silver are perfect examples.
For my language I attracted my audience by using a formal language as this is the type of text you would connote with medieval letters and people with lots of money and the students likely to buy my magazine would probably not be fond of slang words and may prefer to have clear English.
For my masthead I used a formal font but decided to make it a bit more funky by creating the border colour larger; and empowering the colour whilst sticking with grand colours like gold and silver at this point I decided to add burgundy colour into my magazine which connotes medieval which gave it a more appealing look.

I attracted the target audience by using a central image of a teen roughly the same age as my target audience and female in gender as this immediately says who are the people likely to read this and may make the reader more interested also it stands out more in colour and gives the magazine an overall professional look.

(copy/pasted onto blogger via Word.)

Evaluation 4

Screen Shot of word document evaluation 4.

Evalutions question 3

Evaluation Question 2

This is Question two of my music magazine evaluation using a software called photobooth to create a recorded video of me.


Question one of my evaluation of my Orchestral/Classical magazine using powerpoint presentation.